The database of iORbase (v1.0) is including 5,980 protein structures of iORs predicted by AF2 from 59 insect species, 2,077 molecular physicochemical space information of insect pheromones, and approximately 10 million affinity scores of interactions between functional iORs and pheromones.
A pie chart consists of two parts, an inner and outer part. The internal display is the order quantity information of species in iORbase. The outside shows the number of olfactory receptors contained in each species. You can click to select an order interactively to view the details.
The size of the font in the word cloud is related to the number of olfactory receptors in the species included in iORbase. The more olfactory receptors a species contains,the larger the font in the word cloud.
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There are 7088 total sequences, which can be classified into Incomplete iORs, Functional-like iORs, Functional iORs based on sequence transmembrane count prediction. iORbase includes the complete 5980 of them for 3D structure prediction, and gives the number of transmembrane counts >5 based on the structure .
Word cloud illustration of insect pheromone. The size of the font in the word cloud map is related to the number of pheromone stored in iORbase. The greater the number of pheromones, the greater the font representation in the word cloud.
Funnel chart of the top ten pheromones received by iORbase.
Spatial distribution results obtained by tSNE dimensionality reduction clustering on the physicochemical properties of 2077 insect pheromones collected in iORbase.
The 2077 insect pheromones collected by iORbase were classified into 10 categories by their physicochemical properties through tSNE dimensionality reduction results.
This graph represents the shape classification trends of insect pheromones organized by iORbase.The result of Normalized Principal Moment of Inertia ratios (NPR) plot to describe molecules shapes. The three points of the triangle represent the different molecular shapes rod, spere, disc.
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